Rumble in Rotherham at the towns First Strongman Highlands games event

ROTHERHAM HIGHLAND GAMES 2019 REPORT AND RESULTS Added on as a special event to the existing Yorkshire’s strongest man especially for the 40 th anniversary of the Rotherham show fans were treated to some brand new test of strength events in the form of the Highland games. Complete with kilts. This included traditional Highland games events such as the caber toss, stone throw, stone carry and our new event the mace throw. Thrown into the mix were 2 classic strongman events the 18 stone log press and the near 50 stones (300kg) deadlift hold. Athletes came far and wide. This included former Suffolk’s strongest man Dan McNamee and regional strongman competitors Jack Tipper, Richard Hiley, Mark Thomson, two times Peak District Highland games winner and former Sheffield’s strongest man Scott Mark Litchfield, Rob Marsh and Dave Thornton 3 rd at the Peak District Highland games 2017. Dan McNamee caber toss Donning traditional kilts and raising more than a f...