National Strongman / Strongwoman Bus Pull Championships results 2019

In one of the more unusual settings for a show Strongmen and strongwomen from as far away as Perth, Scotland, made there way down to Rotherham to South Yorkshire Transport Museum on Sunday. In a classic world strongman tv series event the crowd were treated to a an awe inspiring demonstration of strength as human power hauled buses down a 20 metre course. Man Beast strongman events, based in Doncaster ran the competition. Andrew Picken founder commented ‘ we are testing the sport in different venues and agreed to this to help promote the museum and to access some amazing buses. It was a great event and we weren’t far off beating some world records'. Mark Anglesea also from man beast commented ‘ it was great to see so many athletes step up to the plate and the women’s category saw some standout performances. Both Simon Knowles and Dave Thornton battling out a ridiculous 20 tonne bus pull in some super quick times. Instead of catching and boarding buses they d...