
Showing posts from October, 2019

National Strongman / Strongwoman Bus Pull Championships results 2019

In one of the more unusual settings for a show Strongmen and strongwomen from as far away as Perth, Scotland, made there way down to Rotherham to South Yorkshire Transport Museum on Sunday. In a classic world strongman tv series event the crowd were treated to a an awe inspiring demonstration of strength as human power hauled buses down a 20 metre course. Man Beast strongman events, based in Doncaster ran the competition.  Andrew Picken founder commented ‘ we are testing the sport in different venues and agreed to this to help promote the museum and to access some amazing buses. It was a great event and we weren’t far off beating some world records'. Mark Anglesea also from man beast commented ‘ it was great to see so many athletes step up to the plate and the women’s category saw some standout performances. Both Simon Knowles and Dave Thornton battling out a ridiculous 20 tonne bus pull in some super quick times. Instead of catching and boarding buses they d...

Catch a bus - no pull a bus STRONGMAN EVENT 13TH October

Museum, Muscle and buses STOP in Rotherham. This Sunday a special event takes places in Rotherham. Instead of catching a bus strongmen and strongwomen athletes from across the country will take on the challenge of pulling buses using a harness and rope as fast as they can to win the title of ‘Man Beast Bus Pulling Championships 2019. This will take place in a museum – this is certainly an unusual competition venue that houses some of the country’s finest nostalgic vehicles from a by gone era. Paul Smith (former World’s strongest junior, 2019 Peak District Highland Games Champion and England’s strongest man 2016), Joe Bromiley Liverpool’s strongest man, Simon Knowles Yorkshire’s strongest man 2017 and Doncaster’s strongest man are amongst some of the big names taking part. The competition, run by Man Beast strongman events of Doncaster will be referee’d by two times Guinness World Record holder Mark Anglesea and will take place at the South Yorkshire Transport Mu...