City of Steel melting pot of Strongman talent

Press Release

City of Steel melting pot of Strongman talent

Sheffielder wins Sheffield’s strongest man title 30th July 2017


Simon Knowles is an imposing sight, standing at 6 feet 5 inches tall and tipping the scales at over 26.5 stones! To maintain that means eating as much as 7-8000 calories per day – about a weeks worth of calories in 1 day on the weight watchers plan! But this is a strongmans diet. Calories equal strength in this brutal sport of raw power.


Simon took the title of Sheffield’s strongest man at the Titanium Strength gym, run ironically by England’s strongest new man Phil Roberts last weekend. Not only that, but the gym is where the UK’s second strongest junior trains.


If these men don’t represent the City of steel as an economic powerhouse we don’t know who does. TitleS are been won and kept at a National level in Sheffield. It is a hotbed of strongman talent.


Simon competed against athletes from Stoke and Edinburgh as the competition was run as an open event, meaning another City could have taken the title but Simon made sure that wasn’t happening winning 4 of 5 events.


Events that included a farmers walk, a grueling 40 metre course carrying 130 kg (20 stone) in each hand, a 300 kg deadlift (near 50 stone), overhead and loading medley and the world famous atlas stones.


Simon has been competing 5 years and lives in Sheffield. He was out most of last year due to a torn quad but has proved he’s as strong as steel coming back with a major regional title with hopes of pursuing England’s strongest man.



We coordinate and arrange regional, opens and National strongman competitions.

We also run a strongman demo road-show, themed road-shows with the Country’s strongest men for business, events and entertainment for a variety of public and private sector clients.

We specialise in strongman vehicle pulls and can pull over 20 tonnes of machinery for great show spectacles.



Main Contact: Andrew Picken


Tel: 07887400202

Sheffield. Founded in 2014

Twitter: @ManBeast28

Facebook: @ManBeast28




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